2024: A year in pictures
OPTICS 2024: A year in pictures Photos by: Jalaa Marey, K M Asad, Miguel J. Rodriguez, Carrillo, Andy Buchanan, Bashar Taleb, Jeff Pachoud, Cristina Quicler, Luis Acosta, Thomas Kienzle, Theo Rouby, Bakr al Kassem, Gagan Nayar, Giorgi Arjevanidze, Anselmo Cunh, Luis Tato/AFP & Peter Nicholls, Kate Green, Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images
2024: A year in pictures

Left: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump dances at a rally in Michigan days before his election
No musician had a bigger year than Taylor
Swift. Between March 2023 and December 2024 she performed
149 shows across five continents, and her tour became the first
ever to exceed $1 billion in revenue.

A Hezbollah UAV is intercepted by Israeli air forces
over a position in northern Israel.

Pigeons fly after an Israeli rocket
hits a building in Beirut.

A Palestinian
girl poses in a
wedding dress
that was found
among the
rubble following
an Israeli
of the Gaza strip.

participate in
the “Beauty
of Donbas”
pageant in
Russian occupied
Russian media
wrote that the
event sought
to highlight
“the grace and
talents of young
women” living
in the region.

Activists from Extinction Rebellion demonstrate outside of the SEC Armadillo where Barclays was holding its 2024 AGM.

Studies estimate that the Amazon River’s flow has been reduced by up to 90 percent due to a lack of rainfall.

Coal is sorted into piles at a port in
the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

A home that was destroyed by
Hurricane Milton in Florida.

rider at the Paris Olympics
performs a jump in front of the Luxor Obelisk at Place de la
Penitents of
the La Paz
take part in
the Holy Week
celebrations in Seville, Spain.

Right: Indian general elections
took place over seven phases that
eventually saw Narendra Modi
elected to a third consecutive term.
They were the world’s largest ever
elections and also saw the
highest participation by women
voters, at 312 million.
Below: A citizen casts their
ballot in the European election,
which saw the EPP win the most seats.

Protesters in
stormed the
palace of the
country’s now
former Prime
Minister Sheikh
Hasina, ending
her 15-year
Hasina fled the
country and
faces numerous
for murder,
crimes against
humanity and

Photos by: Jalaa Marey, K M Asad, Miguel J. Rodriguez, Carrillo, Andy Buchanan, Bashar Taleb, Jeff Pachoud, Cristina Quicler, Luis Acosta, Thomas Kienzle, Theo Rouby, Bakr al Kassem, Gagan Nayar, Giorgi Arjevanidze, Anselmo Cunh, Luis Tato/AFP & Peter Nicholls, Kate Green, Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images
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