As he begins his mission as the first resident Vatican representative to South S...
Catholic pilgrims from across Papua New Guinea have descended on Port Moresby to...
Mavis Tito, the National Director of Caritas Papua New Guinea, talks to Vatican ...
Following diplomatic pressure from the United States, the Nicaraguan Government ...
Global leaders gather at the Terra Tuscany summit in the Italian city of Pisa to...
Pope Francis begins the second leg of his 45th Apostolic Journey with a three-da...
The Irish Bishops’ Conference releases a statement following the publication of ...
Pope Francis begins his Apostolic Journey to Papua New Guinea, the second leg of...
As the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on Sep...
The sparsely populated island nations of the Pacific emit less than .02% of the ...
Addressing the Capuchin Friars meeting for their General Chapter, Pope Francis e...
Pope Francis addreses members of “Terna”, an Italian electric transmission compa...
In a video message accompanying his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis...
Nicaragua's government has withdrawn the legal status of 169 non-governmental or...
Launching children into the world of solidarity and coexistence is among the pri...
Pope Francis addresses participants in the Extraordinary Plenary Assembly of the...