Scaling Your Startup with User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) has taken over digital marketing in ways we previously couldn’t fathom. It’s proven a goldmine for brands and smaller companies hoping to occupy the digital space. The term refers to content created and published by people like you and me via videos, photos, selfies and online reviews. It’s raw, genuine and honest. […] The post Scaling Your Startup with User-Generated Content appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

Oct 24, 2024 - 20:00

User-generated content (UGC) has taken over digital marketing in ways we previously couldn’t fathom. It’s proven a goldmine for brands and smaller companies hoping to occupy the digital space.

The term refers to content created and published by people like you and me via videos, photos, selfies and online reviews. It’s raw, genuine and honest. No marketing gimmicks are required. Only recently have companies started to see the value in UGC.

Benefits of UGC

A cost-effective and efficient way of boosting customer acquisition, UGC increases customer retention and conversion rates.

The content type has a huge impact on consumer behavior. According to Hearts & Science, about  79% of consumers believe user-generated content significantly influences their purchasing decisions. Interestingly enough, consumers find UGC 9.8 times more impactful than influencer content.

By collaborating with a UGC company, you can tap into their resources to create a UGC campaign that speaks to your audience in an authentic, brand-driven voice.

With the right strategy, unique content can drive brand metrics and influence purchasing decisions. Now more than ever, Gen Z’s active involvement in content creation has made user-generated content a key source of brand and product information. says by teaming up with a UGC agency or UGC platform, companies can access relevant creators, allowing them to roll out captivating video ads featuring real users.

As a startup, you can ride that train by leveraging UGC to scale your business. We’ll explain how below.

Determine Your Objectives

Don’t get side-tracked by the grand idea of using UGC content. Firstly, you must define your objectives and goals.

The most pressing question is: Why use UGC in your marketing? Does it serve a purpose? What are you hoping to achieve?

UGC can accomplish the following:

  • Collect feedback
  • Advertise promotions
  • Launch new products or services

If you tick one or all the boxes, start planning your UGC marketing strategy.

Break down the duration of your UCG campaigns into manageable goals and specific timelines. You can measure the success of each campaign based on UGC submissions.

Choose Your Content Wisely

Your startup is an active player in the digital playground. UGC gives you a competitive edge, generating buzz and brand awareness.

So, when it comes to sharing content, you must approach it from a human and relatable angle. It’s a distinctive chance to level the playing field where big brands take the lion’s share of the work.

Harness the voice of satisfied customers to hit the sweet spot. It amplifies your message and cuts through the noise.

How do you achieve this?

Use authentic content. This creates brand trust. Use intro hooks to entice and encourage users to engage with the content.

Experiment with A/B testing and go with your best performers. Motivate your customers to post photos and videos of themselves interacting with your products or attending a launch event.

Leverage the Right Social Media Platforms

UGC marketing is based on opinions, feedback, ideas and experiences. TikTok and Instagram Reels are fertile ground for posting and sharing content.

Online reviews and unboxing videos are especially popular with Gen-Z and millennials.

Social media channels are accessible, but you have to know where your audience is. For startups, it’s a bit more complicated. UGC campaigns on TikTok would certainly look out of place.

Despite what people say, Facebook remains even more relevant in 2024. The global social network clocks about 3 billion active users monthly, reinforcing its powerhouse status. Facebook’s biggest advantage is its large user base and diverse audience reach.

Its ad targeting options are ideal for marketers, allowing them to target customers based on demographics, interests and behavior.

Instagram continues to be a lucrative option for business growth. Visual storytelling is the reason why you want to leverage Instagram. Using UGC as the driver, you can tell stories that evoke emotions and engage an audience.

Different formats, from posts to stories and reels, provide multiple outlets to get your content seen on Instagram. Always utilize hashtags and understand the platform’s algorithm to maximize visibility and engagement.

LinkedIn is sometimes underutilized by business. And yet, your product could spark a whole conversation on the platform without you being aware of it. Pay attention to these discussions as they can be great UGC opportunities.

Use your LinkedIn business page as a springboard. Share updates and invite users to participate. It’s as easy as asking them to leave a comment with their opinion.

UGC can be a revenue driver when done correctly. If in doubt, engage a UGC company or agency about creating hard-hitting, authentic and genuine campaigns.

Last word of advice, always ask for permission when resharing or posting user-generated content.


The post Scaling Your Startup with User-Generated Content appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

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