Cardinal Zenari: In Syria, the bomb of poverty is killi...

Cardinal Mario Zenari, Apostolic Nuncio in Syria delivers a homily in which he s...

Pope prays for peace and appeals for rights of prisoners

Pope Francis appeals for continued prayers for those who suffer in countries at ...

Pope at Angelus: True greatness can be found in caring ...

At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis explains the Lord’s words on how true power ...

Pope mourns killing of environmental activist in Honduras

Pope Francis expresses grief for the murder of Juan Antonio Lopez, a “founding m...

Often our desire for first place is too worldly; we fea...

“If anyone wants to be first, he will be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark ...

2024 Voter’s Guide| National Catholic Register

The Candidates, the Issues and Church Teaching The 2024 presidential campaign ha...

Spotlight on Faithful Catholic Colleges / The Register’...

For 20 years, the National Catholic Register has surveyed Catholic colleges and ...

Celebrate Sts. Pio and Thérèse| National Catholic Register

SUNDAY, Sept. 22, 7 a.m. Modern Marvels HISTORY Three hour-long episodes focus o...

The Pope’s Next Visit to the ‘Peripheries’ Is in the He...

The indefatigable Pope Francis will be on the road again Sept. 26-28, less than ...

St. Thomas of Villanova

St. Thomas of Villanova was born on March 28, 1488, in Fuenllana, Spain. After s...

Body of St. Teresa of Avila Examined and Found to Be In...

For 20 years, the National Catholic Register has surveyed Catholic colleges and ...

Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Can an Exorcist Ask ...

For 20 years, the National Catholic Register has surveyed Catholic colleges and ...

Ancient hymns of praise: the provoking, hypnotic and fa...

The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have...

Pope Francis: Migrants ask us to cultivate ‘dream of fr...

We publish the preface by Pope Francis to the book by Father Mattia Ferrari enti...